P1 Construction Earns 2024 MCAA/CNA Safety Excellence Award
The P1 Safety Team has done it again, winning the 2024 MCAA Safety Excellence Award for contractors logging more than 1,000,000 hours.
From field to office, the award also belongs to all the P1 associates who dedicate themselves to our P1 Safety culture, ensuring that Safety is not just a priority at P1, it’s truly a core value.
The annual awards honor MCAA member companies’ successful safety programs and innovative safety initiatives.
To be eligible to win, a company had to submit an application describing their safety and health program in 2024, why they believe it deserves the award, and innovation/s that helped them achieve a high degree of safety excellence during the year.
Companies were divided into five categories by number of hours worked in 2014, and a winner was chosen in each category.
1. 0 - 100,000 hours
2. 100,001 – 250,000 hours
3. 250,001-450,000 hours
4. 450,001 – 1,000,000 hours
5. Over 1,000,000 hours
Pictured at the awards ceremony, from left: CNA representative; Greg Sweeney, P1 Safety Director; Don Campbell, P1 Vice President; Rick Gopffarth, MCAA President
“The 0.61 incident rate P1 held in 2023 was impressive, especially after a year of growth and adding a lot of new field personnel,” Vice President Don Campbell said.
In 2024, P1 lowered that number to 0.57, adding not only more field personnel, but 504,000 more hours worked than the previous year for a total of 2,474,519 hours worked.
“The reason for our success is because we remain focused on our most important resources: the human ones,” Don added.
“While P1 will always have a commitment to embracing technology, we recognize our actual human resources are the most critical components to a world-class safety record and culture,” Don explained.
“Through rigorous daily checklists, mental health resources, training, and mentorship, P1 leadership is committed to ensuring associates show up mentally and physically prepared to make the best decisions, every day, at every job site,” Don said.
According to Safety Director Greg Sweeney, the P1 Safety team makes a concerted effort to build rapport and relationships with each and every employee on a jobsite.
“Our field associates are actually happy to see us (most of the time) because they know and trust our safety staff,” Greg said.
P1 Safety works to ensure the entire organization can get behind safety as a core value, adopting our expectation of zero accidents.
These are some of the new and existing initiatives that make P1 deserving of the MCAA award.
NEW! Second Orientation
P1 is developing a second safety orientation to help mitigate injury numbers. All new associates will receive the standard safety orientation when hired. In 60 days, after getting some on-the-job experience and exposure to P1’s high expectations for safety, they will be re-trained on the same topics they initially learned to ensure they understand, and buy in to, P1 safety standards.
NEW! Peer Connector Voluntary Mental Health Training Program
A Peer Connector is someone an employee can talk to and know that they will not be judged, and all will be kept confidential. The Peer
Connector is identified by a hard hat sticker (or laptop sticker, if they are not a field employee) as a safe person to talk to.
Red Hat Sticker for New Employees
The P1 Safety Committee continues to help mentor new associates by placing a red sticker on the hard hat for all apprentices, new employees, and traveling/visiting employees. The red sticker identifies an employee that may not be familiar with P1’s safety culture, so our experienced P1 workers can take the opportunity to mentor them as needed.
Mental Health Stand-down and Suicide Awareness
P1 continues promotion of suicide awareness with a “mental health stand down” in the month of September. The event is for all P1 associates to talk about suicide in the construction industry, that it’s “ok to not be ok”, and how to get help. In addition, a suicide awareness Tool Box Talk has been added to address suicide prevention and mental health issues for our associates and workers.
P1 developed a branded “Don’t Lose Hope” campaign that includes signage around the offices and jobsites, as well as a sticker for hard hats that reminds everyone they are not alone, they can talk to our Safety professionals any time, and that includes the 988 national suicide hotline number.
Stop. Observe. Implement. SOI Daily Jobsite Document
SOI is the P1 system for all workers to implement safety in every task. It is a trifold checklist that is distributed to each crew on the jobsite. It is that crew’s responsibility to fill out and complete an SOI for each task. This SOI will be completed and reviewed by the whole crew, each day, before starting the task.
QR codes are placed not only on the checklist, but hard hats and other accessible areas of job sites that link immediately to a list of P1 Safety professionals. Associates are encouraged to call any time, day or night, if there is an issue or incident.
Monthly Accident Prevention Bulletin
Since 2003, P1 has emailed every employee a monthly Accident Prevention Bulletin (APB). It discusses any accidents or near misses for the month, including the root cause and corrective action. This ensures that all employees nationwide are aware of corrective actions that need to be made to prevent a re-occurrence of the accident at another jobsite.
Safety Committee
P1 has built an inclusive Safety Committee that meets monthly to discuss safety issues and changes that should be made. The committee is made up of executives, project managers, foremen, field staff and the Safety Department, with a monthly “visiting” employee to provide a new perspective.
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P1 Construction is a single-source specialty subcontractor specializing in mechanical, electrical, millwright, and architectural metal construction facility solutions.