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P1 is One of Only 13 KC Companies in the BuildSafe Partnership Program

P1 Construction Build Safe Partnership

P1 is part of an exclusive group known as the BuildSafe Partnership Program (BSPP), and the meaning behind the membership is simple: P1 has a successful and pervasive safety culture.

There are currently only 13 Kansas City-area based companies that qualify for BSPP. Nationwide, BSPP is among the very top prestigious partnership programs of its kind, ranking No. 5 of 90.

P1 Vice President Don Campbell says P1 has been a member since 2003.

“The overall goal of this partnership is to reduce the number of accidents, injuries, and illnesses - with zero fatalities - among participating employers,” Don said.

According to Morgan Morrison, Safety, Health & Environmental Services Office Administrator at The Builders' Association, the partnership was born out of mutual recognition of the importance safety in construction workplaces.

“The Builders' Association and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the United States Department of Labor (OSHA), understand the magnitude of promoting a safe and healthful work environment in the construction industry,” Morgan said.

b2ap3 large Don Cambpell P1 Construction Safety

The criteria to belong are stringent, including providing annual written safety and health programs, training records, and injury/illness records, no willful or repeat violations, and other specific requirements as laid out by the partnership steering committee.

Congratulations to P1 and all our associates for demonstrating a commitment to Safety First…Quality Always.

b2ap3 large BuildSafe Partnership

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